
Below are recommended articles, books, quotes, and websites. Enjoy!

Top 10 Leadership Quotes

  1. What you allow, you approve.

  2. The leader sets the tone.

  3. Every year some very new leaders learn some very old lessons.

  4. A good leader takes a bit more than his fair share of the blame, and a bit less than his fair share of the credit. John Maxwell

  5. Before you were a leader, success was about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. Jack Welch

  6. What you do has far greater impact than what you say. Stephen Covey

  7. A leader is one who knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way. John Maxwell

  8. Leading by example is not the main thing in influencing others, it's the only thing. Albert Schweitzer

  9. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Warren Bennis

  10. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. —Margaret Mead

  11. Bonus: Forbes Magazine Top 100 Leadership Quotes

Top 10 Leadership Books

  1. Good to Great, Jim Collins

  2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey

  3. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell

  4. Primal Leadership, Daniel Goleman

  5. The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni

  6. On Becoming a Leader, Warren Bennis

  7. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Marshall Goldsmith

  8. The 1 Minute Manager, Ken Blanchard

  9. Leading Change, John Kotter

  10. The Tao of Warren Buffett, Mary Buffet & David Clark

  11. The Leader in You, Rick Lash & Christine Miners

Top 10 Leadership Articles

  1. Leadership That Gets Results. Dr. Daniel Goleman

  2. Being The Boss, Linda Hill

  3. The 12 Common Challenges for New Managers. Centre For Creative Leadership

  4. Be An All-Star: What you must do to become a manager as good as the very best. Michael Stern, Canadian Business

  5. The Leader as Coach: How to unleash innovation, energy, and commitment by Herminia Ibarra and Anne Scoular

  6. The 10 Characteristics of a Good Leader, Center for Creative Leadership

  7. How Do High Achievers Really Think? Dr. Carl Beuke

  8. What Your Leader Expects of You (and what you should expect from your leader). Larry Bossidy

  9. What Makes a Leader? Dr. Daniel Goleman

  10. Power Is the Great Motivator. David C. McClelland and David H. Burnham

  11. The 5 Red Flags That Someone is not Fit to Lead People. Inc. Magazine

  12. Bonus: HBR’s Top 10 Leadership Articles

Top Movies on Leadership & Culture

  1. The Norsemen (3 seasons)

  2. Remember The Titans

  3. Devil Wears Prada

  4. Deepwater Horizon

  5. Moneyball

  6. Coach Carter

  7. Only The Brave

  8. Blackberry

  9. Wolf of Wall Street

  10. The Social Network

  11. Apollo 13

  12. 12 Angry Men

  13. Up in the Air

  14. The Playlist

  15. The Big Short

  16. Dirty Money: Hard NOx - The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

  17. Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

  18. The Last Blockbuster

  19. The Office (9 seasons)

  20. Office Space

  21. The Founder

  22. The Internship

  23. Ted Lasso (3 seasons)

  24. Twelve O'Clock High

Top 10 Adult Education Principles

  1. Practical Application - adults want to be able to use what they learn

  2. Experiential Learning - immerse someone in something vs lecturing through 100 powerpoint sides

  3. Collaborative - learn with and from others…build a personal learning network. Create communities of practice

  4. Feedback - most adults crave feedback on what they are doing well and what they can do to level-up

  5. Motivation - most adults are there because they want to be (intrinsic motivation), vs being told to be there (extrinsic)

  6. Past Experience - the knowledge lies within the group

  7. Interactive - mix methods for maximum learning: large and small group discussions, case study, video clip, etc.

  8. Challenge / Stretch - encourage people to stretch their comfort zone. This is where growth occurs

  9. Enjoyable - you can have the most academically accurate content and most knowledgeable instructor in the world, but if people don’t like it, everything stops here

  10. Measurable - Embrace Kirkpatrick’s 4 Level model of evaluation: (1) Did they like it? Course evaluation (2) Did they learn it? Demo the skills in-session (3) Did they use it on-the-job? Pre-post program 360 feedback (4) Did it make a difference? Organizational metrics over time.

Asking Chat GPT to Harshly Roast My Website :)

My entry: harshly roast my webpage

ChatGPT: Alright, brace yourself:

The Talent Advisor - Harsh Roast Edition

This site feels like it was designed by someone who thinks "innovation" means using Arial instead of Times New Roman. The layout is so basic that it screams, "I just discovered templates!" The text is a wall of words, perfect for anyone who loves reading textbooks on weekends. And the visuals? Oh wait, there aren't any. It's like walking into an office with beige walls, zero personality, and a motivational poster that just says "Try."

Time to give this site the personality boost it desperately needs!