
  • Scroll down for workshops and descriptions.

  • Any of the workshops below can be brought in-house to your organization. A minimum charge for 10 people applies.

  • Custom designs and variations are also very common.

  • Occasionally a public offering of a workshop may be held…but 90% of my work is done internal to organizations and/or associations.

Public Workshops: Upcoming Dates

Dates for public workshops will be listed here.

Business Development & Sales For Technical Services, Professional Services, & Non-Profits

Length: 2 days
Format: Classroom
Price: $2,200 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: 2 self-assessment tools completed in advance (60 min total)
Materials: provided digitally

This workshop helps people build, enhance, and sharpen their skills in a range of areas related to business development and sales in B2B environments.  It has been delivered to global management consulting firms selling consulting services, financial services, pharmaceuticals, commodity traders in both the grain and energy sectors, information technology firms, management consulting firms, engineering firms, legal firms, construction firms, non-profit fundraisers, and the executive education departments at several universities/colleges.

The Sales Cycle: 8 Stages, Managing A Sales Funnel, Hunting vs Farming, The 10K Rule, The Job Pie, How Many Touches To Make a Sale?, The Importance of Trust & Becoming a Trusted Advisor, Personality Types and Sales, Sales Simulation 1, Sales Cycle – Assessment Results & Group Results, What Are The Most Predictive Factors of Sales Success?, Managing Your Emotions, Overcoming The 7 Most Common Objections, The 6 Strategies of Negotiation, 50 Business Development Gems & Wisdom, Sales Simulation 2, Account Planning, Action Planning

Business Development & Sales - Full Description

Workshop Descriptions…


Length: 3 days @ $3,300, or 2 days @ $2,200
Format: Classroom
Price: $2,200 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: 1 self-assessment tool completed in advance (30 min)
Materials: provided digitally

This workshop helps people grow their skills in a range of areas related to delivering training courses/programs. It will help you: (1) Know Your Audience/Participants, (2) Know Your Presentation Skills, (3) Know Your Content, (4) Know Your Key Elements of Instructional Design, (5) Know Your Style of Instruction & Learning Styles of Others

It has been delivered to organizations in the following sectors: oil & gas, mining, electric utility, financial services, global management consulting firms, information technology firms, engineering firms, construction firms, non-profits, and several universities/colleges.

1. Welcome, Objectives, Agenda, Introductions
2. Difference between presentations, training delivery, facilitation
3. Presentation A – you give a 5-10 min present on a topic of your choosing
4.    Essential Principles of Adult Education and Why They Are Important
5.    Presentation Skills – Part 1
6.    Assessing Needs
7.    Knowing Your Audience
8.    Your Learning Style and The Style of Others
9.    Writing Objectives
10.   Instructional Design: Key Ingredients
11.   The 5 Things The Best Workshops Always Contain
12.   Presentation Skills – Part 2
13.  Presentation B – you give a 20 min present on a topic of your choosing and receive feedback
14.   Evaluating Outcomes: The 4 Levels of Evaluating Training
15.   Summary

The 6 Leadership Styles

Length: 1 day
Target Audience: Frontline, Middle, or Senior Leaders
Format: Classroom
Price: $1,000 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: Completion of a 360 feedback tool 3 weeks in advance
Materials: provided digitally
Description: Based on Dr. Daniel Goleman’s work, the 6 Leadership Styles is one of the most powerful leadership concepts you will ever encounter. Leadership That Gets Results (2000) by Dr. Goleman was at one time the most download article in the history of the Harvard Business Review magazine. This is great for a standlone session, a module with a larger LDP, or a mgmt retreat/summit/conference

Outline: Why does leadership style matter? Where does style come from? Deep dive into each of the 6 Leadership Styles (Directive, Visionary, Affiliative, Participative, Pacesetting, Coaching). How many styles does the avg leader use? How many styles do world class leaders use? Your assessment tool results. How group results provide insights into leadership culture. Apply the 6 leadership styles to 12 different workplace situations, leadership simulation, action planning.

Leading Change: A Simulation with GlobalTech

Length: 1 day
Format: Classroom or virtual
Price: $950 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: Read a 3 page case study (20 min total)
Materials: Provided digitally

Description: You work in teams to help GlobalTech navigate a change in their strategy.  Some of their people think this change is great, some are on the fence, and some are completely opposed.  Given a timeframe of 18 months and budget of $500K, your team will create a change plan aimed at boosting the level of cultural buy-in from the current level of 6% to over 60%.  The future of GlobalTech rests in your hands.  Good Luck! Aligned well to ALL change models (Kotter, ProSci, etc.)

Description: Why it’s important to lead change, doing change with vs for vs to people, quick facts on change, 5 models of leading change and their similarities, the importance of engaging with middle mgmt and employees, The 7 step change model and a drill doww on each step (understand, enlist, vision, motivate, communicate, act, consolidate), the 4 box model of communication, top 10 reasons people resist change, tips from the trenches, 5 greatest contributors to success, top 10 mistakes in leading change, how to build a change plan.

Leader as Coach

Length: 1 day
Target Audience: Emerging or Current Leaders at any Level
Format: Classroom
Price: $1,000 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: 1 self-assessment tool
Materials: provided digitally
Description: Why does coaching matter? The difference between coaching & feedback. Coaching benefits and barriers. Quick facts on coaching. The 5 types of coaching: (1) career development coaching, (2) positive feedback, (3) coaching someone up the learning curve, (4) minor course correction, (5) major course correction. Diagnostic tools for getting your act together in advance of a coaching session. Coaching models. Deep dive on the GROW model and why it is the gold standard of coaching models. Probing questions. Coaching case study. Coaching scenarios x 5. Your assessment tool results. Action planning.

Frontline Leadership

Length: 3 days
Target Audience: People in frontline leadership roles and/or those who aspire to be
Format: Classroom
Price: $2,150 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: Completion of 2 self-assessment tools

Description: This program has been delivered 60 times across 10 sectors with consistently outstanding feedback. Sectors range from heavy industry, fly-in-fly-out mine sites, unionized environments, office based environments, sales companies, etc.

Outline: This program equips frontline leaders with the skills to be successful in the role. The program is built around 3 themes (1) lead yourself, (2) lead the team, and (3) lead the work. Topics include: the role of the frontline leader, time management, doing vs delegating, the buddy-to-boss transition, coaching & feedback, leading change, building teams, establishing priorities, managing the pile of work, your leadership point-of-view, and your leadership style.

Leadership Development Program

Length: 5 days
Target Audience: Current people leaders at the mid-to-senior level
Format: Classroom
Price: $4,500 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: Completion of a 360 feedback tool + 2 self-assessment tools
Materials: provided digitally
Description: This is a highly interactive program that is feedback intensive, filled with practical content, and contains several simulations where you apply the learning in-the-moment. Topics include: Your leadership style, leading change, building teams, coaching & feedback. This program (and variations of it) has been delivered 150 times across various sectors in 8 countries with consistently outstanding feedback. It has been delivered on site, through various universities/colleges, and even virtually.

The 6 Thinking Hats

Length: 1 day
Format: Classroom or virtual
Price: $850 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: Bring 3 work problems which are in need of either: (1) idea generation, or (2) analysis
Materials: provided digitally
Description: The Six Thinking Hats™ is a simple, practical, flexible, and powerful framework to help people and organizations think more effectively, efficiently, and creatively.  Based on the system developed by Dr. Edward DeBono (M.D., PhD, Rhodes Scholar), the Six Thinking Hats™ organizes your thinking through a framework of structure, focus, & discipline represented by the six distinct thinking modes and the concept of parallel thinking.  Commonly used by organizations wanting to develop a creative culture with a common language and tools, the Six Thinking Hats™ have been the subject of over 50 books in 35 languages and are currently used in over 50 countries.  Benefits of using the hats include: much more focused and productive meetings, increased idea generation, reduced adversarial interactions, a more thorough analysis of problems, more democratic and inclusive participation, and ensuring an issue has been approached from all perspectives. 

Organization Design: the Science of Structure

Length: 2 day
Target Audience: business leaders, HR professionals, change leaders
Format: Classroom
Price: $2,000 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: 1 article, bring your company’s org chart
Materials: provided digitally
Description: The program provides an overview of the primary considerations in org designation. The science of structure, the link from strategy to structure, the 5 primary types of org structures, the optimal number of layers of management, optimal manager to direct report ratios (spans of control), centralized vs decentralized, support group sizes, top 10 crimes of organization design, lateral coordination, you will complete an analysis of your organization’s structure, an appetizer on leading change (just because you draw the boxes differently, doesn’t mean people behave differently)

Consulting Skills for HR Professionals

Length: 2 days
Format: Classroom
Price: $2,000 per person (+taxes). Minimum charge for 10 people.
Pre-Work: 2 self-assessment tools completed in advance (60 min total)
Materials: provided digitally
Description: This program helps equip HR Business Partners with the skills to level up their own effectiveness. This is a practical, highly interactive program with various consulting simulations embedded in the program.

Outline: The Evolution of the HR Function, Value is Defined by the Receiver, Building Mastery: The 10K Hour Rule, The Job Pie, 10 HR Consulting Skills, Use a Consulting Model, Understand Their Business, Becoming a Trusted Advisor, Be Aware of Consulting Challenges / Pressures, Coaching Skills, Simulation, Assessment Tool 1 Results – Trust Tool, Tale of 2 Projects, Consulting Scenario Setups: Teams, Scenarios, Brief Huddle Time, Your Professional Point-of-View (POV), Leading Change: An Appetizer, The 6 Leadership Styles, The 9 Influencing Strategies, Emotional Intelligence, Great Questions & Thinking Skills Tools, Consulting Teams Present Scenario Results, Assessment Tool 2 Results – My Consulting Skills, Professional POV Presentations (5 min per person), Action Planning, Summary